Vulcan Refractories is a leading supplier of Silicon Carbide Refractories to various businesses and industries around the world.
Vulcasil H has been meticulously engineered to meet the diverse needs of companies around the world.
Vulcasil H- Superior Hybrid Refractories
This carefully curated range of Silicon Carbide Refractories by blending precise proportions of mullite and silicon carbide. A unique combination allows for the manipulation and regulation of thermal conductivity while preserving exceptional mechanical strength. By adjusting the ratios of mullite and silicon carbide, Vulcasil H allows for tailored control over thermal conductivity, ensuring optimal performance in a variety of applications.
Despite variations in thermal conductivity, Vucasil H retains exceptional mechanical strength, providing a durable and long-lasting refractory solution.
Key Features:
Precision Blending
Customisable thermal properties
Maintained mechanical strength
Glass Manufacturing
Ceramics Industry
Metal Casting
Heat Treatment Processes
Incineration & Waste to Energy
Want to know more about Hybrid Mullite-Silicon Carbide Refractories? Contact Vulcan Refractories to see how our products can improve your facility’s processes. Get in touch via our contact form below
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